Undo excel highlight every other row
Undo excel highlight every other row

undo excel highlight every other row

Your table may appear more structured and professional with these formats. You can format your table using various preset formatting options in Excel. When you return to your spreadsheet, every other row should display the format that you choose. Once you’ve finished with all the dialog windows, click OK. After completing your format then click the ok button. Step 5: Click on the Format button to set the formatting that you want. Step 4: Enter the following formula in the area under Edit the Rule Description: =MOD(ROW(),2)=1. Then click on the “ Use a Formula to determine which cells to format ” option. Step 3: After you click on the “New Rule” option it will show you a dialogue box like the image down below. Step 2: Launch the Conditional Formatting dialog box by selecting New Rule from the Home menu (Keyboard Shortcut: Alt + O + D). Now here we are selecting the all data on my spreadsheet (A1:E11 in this case) Step 1: Select the data set on your need. The procedure of selecting every other row using conditional formatting in Excel: This approach is limited to Windows and is ineffective for choosing which rows to include in a calculation. This technique can be used to choose alternate rows in a certain group of cells and modify the formatting. Windows: If you’re using Windows, you can click on the relevant number for each row on the left side of the spreadsheet while holding down the control key on your keyboard and using your mouse or trackpad (Ctrl + mouse click). Mac : If you’re using a Mac, you may select each row by clicking on the matching number on the spreadsheet’s left side while depressing the command key on your keyboard. If you’re dealing with a modest amount of data and there’s little danger of human error, this strategy will work. If you only have a few rows to highlight, you can manually select each row. We will show you the best way to select every other row in Excel. If you don’t know what is exactly select every other row in the Excel formula, then this article is for you.


Excel is full of features to help you with your data.

Undo excel highlight every other row